The Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) is a trade agreement that was signed between Australia and New Zealand in 1983. It is one of the oldest and most comprehensive trade agreements in the world, and has played a major role in promoting trade and investment between the two countries.
ANZCERTA was designed to streamline trade and investment between Australia and New Zealand, by creating a single market for goods and services. The agreement covers a wide range of industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, services, and intellectual property. It has also helped to facilitate the free movement of people between the two countries.
One of the key features of ANZCERTA is the elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers. This has allowed businesses in both Australia and New Zealand to expand their operations, and to take advantage of new opportunities in each other`s markets. The agreement has also encouraged companies to invest in each other`s economies, leading to increased job creation and economic growth.
ANZCERTA has been tremendously successful in promoting trade and investment between Australia and New Zealand. In fact, the two countries now enjoy one of the closest economic relationships in the world, with bilateral trade totaling over $25 billion per year. This has helped to create a more stable and prosperous region, and has also strengthened the ties between the two countries.
However, despite its many benefits, ANZCERTA is not without its challenges. As with any trade agreement, there are always concerns about the impact on local industries and communities. There have also been questions about the effectiveness of some of the provisions in the agreement, particularly in areas such as intellectual property and environmental standards.
Despite these challenges, ANZCERTA remains a vital part of the economic relationship between Australia and New Zealand. As the two countries continue to work together to promote trade and investment, it is likely that the agreement will continue to play a critical role in shaping the future of the Asia-Pacific region. So if you are looking to expand your business to either Australia or New Zealand, ANZCERTA is definitely a trade agreement that you should keep an eye on.